The Last to Arrive at the Dance.

Beyonce knew it, the world needed a gay album. The pandemic, the economy torn into pieces, an incomprehensible war and an increasingly convulsed world have not only fed up us but separated us from coexistence, from enjoying the party and being able to be queers when we want to be.

Renaissance is that, the rebirth of an artist who has already left the personal speech of Lemonade and gives herself a second chance at life, this process, typical of a woman who has already entered her 40’s, who has been a mother, a wife and that maybe wants to be something more than that, to be cool? Obvious…

We have seen it in women like Madonna and her masterpiece Ray Of Light, a gem born after an uneventful personal process, late motherhood and an encounter with inner light and a necessary peace.

Kylie in a more discreet but brutal way, gave us the Infinity Disco, she has made us dance from our homes, in the midst of a virus that closed clubs and dance spaces worldwide, we forgot she’s 55 and let her be the queen of our Spotify.

It is a good time for women, Rosalia has made a musical masterpiece, because it is; whoever says otherwise is precisely what Beyonce is fleeing from being: a complete conservative prick.

The entire planet dances reggaeton and the LGTBI community of all races and ages, we would like Bad Bunny to leave us a hickey on our neck, but we also want to feel that music is our space, our universe, our code and Beyonce has understood it super right.

Beyond the controversy of tracks, sampling or copyright, we gays are united by sound, in the midst of a pandemic that stigmatizes us, in the midst of monkeypox that once again threatens our freedom, an album arrives that celebrates our origins, which brings references from the 70’s and 80’s full of freedom and the social bill we had to pay.

It celebrates our queerness, our balls, our mood, our space, an album proud of all origins, of being black, of being soul, of being a woman, of being disco, of being funk, of being trans, of being queer, of being alive and sweating glitter.

Thank you Queen B you have given us life mamma.


La Última en Llegar al Baile.

Beyonce lo sabía, el mundo necesitaba de un disco homosexual. La pandemia, la economía hecha pedazos, una guerra incomprensible y un mundo cada vez mas convulsionado no solamente nos han hartado, sino separado de la convivencia, del disfrute de la fiesta y de poder ser queers cuando queramos serlo.

Renaissance es eso, el renacer de una artista que salió ya del discurso personal de Lemonade y se da una segunda oportunidad a la vida. Este proceso, propio de una mujer que ha entrado ya en sus 40’s, que ha sido madre, esposa y que tal vez quiera ser algo más que eso. ¿Ser cool? Obvio…

Lo hemos visto en mujeres como Madonna y el master piece que es Ray Of Light, una joya nacida luego de un proceso personal accidentado, de una maternidad tardía y un encuentro con la luz interior y una paz necesaria. Kylie Minogue, de una forma mas discreta pero brutal, nos regalo el Infinity Disco y nos ha hecho bailar desde nuestras casas, en medio de un virus que cerro clubs y espacios de baile a nivel mundial, nos olvidamos de sus 55 anos y hemos dejado que sea la reina de nuestro Spotify.

Es un buen momento para las mujeres, Rosalia ha hecho una obra de arte musical, porque lo es, quien diga lo contrario es precisamente de lo que Beyonce esta huyendo de ser, un viejo lesbiano con todas sus letras.

El planeta entero baila reggaeton y la comunidad LGTBI de todas las razas y edades, quisiéramos que Bad Bunny nos deje un chupetón en el cuello, pero también queremos sentir que la musica es nuestro espacio, nuestro universo, nuestro código y Beyonce lo ha entendido super bien.

Mas alla de la controversia de los tracks, del sampleo o derechos de autor, los maricones estamos unidos por el sonido, en medio de una una pandemia que nos estigmatiza, en medio de una viruela que amenaza nuevamente nuestra libertad, llega un disco que celebra nuestro origen, que trae referencias de unos 70’s / 80’s llenos de libertad y de la factura que tuvimos que pagar socialmente.

Celebra nuestra homosexualidad, nuestros balls, nuestro mood, nuestro espacio, un disco orgulloso de todos los origenes, de ser negro, de ser soul, de ser mujer, de ser disco, de ser funk, de ser trans, de ser queer, de estar vivo y sudar glitter.

¡Gracias Queen B! ¡Nos has dado vida mamma!


The Influence of Old Money Style

The “Old Money aesthetic” is just one of the many fashion trends that coexist in the current scene. It is a way of dressing that evokes an opulent and traditional lifestyle, but in 2022 it has undergone a reinterpretation that infuses it with a fresh touch of minimalism and an elegant vibe.

Levi’s Artificial Diversity

Last March, Levi’s surprised with an unexpected initiative that confirms the horizon full of possibilities that artificial intelligence offers to the fashion industry. The historic jeans brand joined the fever for this technology by announcing that, starting at the end of this year, they will begin to complement traditional models (of flesh and blood) with avatars developed by artificial intelligence tools.