We’re not in Kansas Anymore

In a world convulsed by problems that drag us into a complex daily life, self expression is something that not everyone can have the luxury to afford. But what happens when someone makes the decision to create beyond functionality? Being able to transform whats seen as unnecessary into something complex and at the same time taking on a value that goes beyond functionality.

In a world convulsed by problems that drag us into a complex daily life, self expression is something that not everyone can have the luxury to afford.

But what happens when someone makes the decision to create beyond functionality? Being able to transform whats seen as unnecessary into something complex and at the same time taking on a value that goes beyond functionality.

What happens when clothes stop being clothes and become art? In a power to express who we are through elements that don’t have to be functional or grounded.

Well, Callao Monumental is that, it’s a space in which art coexists in its purest and most natural form, without pretensions, hand in hand with fashion, aesthetics, the personal message, allowing us to witness artistic installations that make us accidental tourists within a visual journey rich in experiences.

In the middle of a city that lives off its food, Callao Monumental shows us how we can feed our cultural universe through our senses, hand in hand with its creative director, Christian Duarte.
Certainly, art doesn’t have to be understood by everyone, but if art is locked up, it becomes an inanimate archive, a protected curatorship, one more item in an excel table. But if art reaches everyone, then it crosses that social border, cultural and racial, it becomes an everyday thing, valuable and democratic.

Monumental Callao is just that, a vertical project that frees art from tensions and contractures, makes it dynamic and plural, intervenes with unexpected resources and surprises a pedestrian, in a natural way.

If we bring together an incredible place in the world, with an interesting art proposal and you also add the discovery of fashion brands that are committed to a process that goes beyond commercial and speaks of their own personal journeys, then we have an installation worth enjoying, understanding and analyzing.

We are very hungry Christian, what else it’s on the table?


La moda es un círculo complejo que no necesariamente puede ser entendido como una forma de arte, de expresión personal. En un mundo convulsionado por problemas que nos arrastran a una cotidianeidad compleja, el self expression is something that not everybody can have the luxury to afford.

Pero… ¿Qué es lo que sucede cuando alguien toma la decisión de poder crear más allá de la funcionalidad? De poder hacer que algo visto como innecesario de pronto se vuelve complejo y al mismo tiempo cobre un valor que va mas allá de la funcionalidad.

¿Qué pasa cuando la ropa deja de ser ropa y se convierte en arte? En un poder expresar quiénes somos a través de elementos que no tienen que ser ni funcionales, ni aterrizados

Pues Callao Monumental es eso, es un espacio en el que el arte convive en su forma mas pura y natural, sin pretensiones, de la mano de la moda, la estética, el mensaje personal, permitiéndonos ser testigos de instalaciones artísticas que nos vuelven turistas accidentales dentro de un recorrido visual rico en experiencias.

En medio de una ciudad que vive de su comida, Callao Monumental nos muestra cómo podemos alimentar a través de nuestros sentidos nuestro universo cultural de la mano de su director creativo, Christian Duarte.

Ciertamente el arte no tiene que ser comprendido por todos, pero si el arte es encerrado, se vuelve un archive inanimado, una curaduría protegida, un ítem mas dentro de un cuadro de excel. Pero si el arte llega a todos, traspasa esa frontera social, cultural y racial y se vuelve cotidiano, valioso y democrático.

Callao monumental es eso, un proyecto vertical que libera de tensiones y contracturas al arte, lo hace dinámico y plural, interviene con recursos inesperados y sorprende a un usuario peatón, de forma natural.

Si juntamos un lugar increíble en el mundo con una propuesta interesante de arte y sumamos el descubrimiento de marcas de moda que apuestan por un proceso que va mas allá de lo comercial y habla de sus propios viajes personales, tenemos entonces una instalación digna de ser disfrutada, comprendida y analizada.

Estamos con mucha hambre Christian ¿Qué más hay en la mesa?


The Influence of Old Money Style

The “Old Money aesthetic” is just one of the many fashion trends that coexist in the current scene. It is a way of dressing that evokes an opulent and traditional lifestyle, but in 2022 it has undergone a reinterpretation that infuses it with a fresh touch of minimalism and an elegant vibe.

Levi’s Artificial Diversity

Last March, Levi’s surprised with an unexpected initiative that confirms the horizon full of possibilities that artificial intelligence offers to the fashion industry. The historic jeans brand joined the fever for this technology by announcing that, starting at the end of this year, they will begin to complement traditional models (of flesh and blood) with avatars developed by artificial intelligence tools.